Learn Python From Scratch

Sari Lakkis
3 min readDec 9, 2021

In this series, we’ll learn Python programming together from scratch by solving simple real-life problems. We’ll start from the very basics of the language and go through to cover most of the important concepts.

While doing so, we are learning to program in general since these concepts are applied to other programming languages too.

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

Why Python?

Python is one of the main programming languages is, it’s widely used nowadays in many fields. it’s an English-like programming language and that’s because the code we write in python is somehow similar to writing normal English.

While you are trying to read the Python code, it is relatively easy to comprehend it up to a certain level of course.

More importantly, python is very famous because of its simplicity and simplicity is an important factor in learning a new language for a newbie.

You can read a lot of articles about why you should learn python and not any other language.

For me, it’s just a matter of preference. You can do almost anything with any major programming language.

When it comes to other criteria, like the ability of this language to scale for big projects or the performance of an application written in this language, you then can speak about a specific language that is better than the other.

This is the list of articles in this series:

Part 1: Starting with Python, Installing and Trying the Interactive Mode

Part 2: Writing Our First Python Program in VS Code — “Hello World!”

Part 3: Reading Inputs, Variables, and Comments In Python

Part 4: If Statement, Else, and the ‘elif’ in Python

Part 5: While Loop in Python

Part 6: For Loops and Nested Loops in Python

Part 7: Lists in Python — Native Data Handling

Part 8: Tuples in Python — How to Store and Manipulate Immutable Collections of Data

Part 9: Functions in Python — Solving Large Problems by Decomposition

Part 10: Object-Oriented Programming in Python — Understanding Classes and Objects

Part 11: Modules in Python, Constructing Apps With Isolated Building Blocks

Part 12: Inheritance in Python — Extending Classes



Sari Lakkis

Professor | Consultant | Researcher. I give advice on strategy, design, and implementation of software that solves business problems to companies and startups.